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What Customers Say About Cam Spray’s Reliability & Service
Customer Praise for Cam Spray's Support
Dear Cam Spray,I have a Cam Spray pressure washer that is almost 30 years old that wasn’t working and I contacted the Cam Spray sales department on it. After numerous calls with Carey in technical support, I ordered the parts which he helped me find. After another bunch of calls he helped me put all the right parts in the right place in the pump and it works beautifully. I am flattered that Cam Spray would spend the time helping me get my 30 year old machine working. Great customer service!
Terry Ingerson
Sodus Bay, New York
Custom Configuration Success
We recently received the pressure washer we configured working with your sales/technical staff. Compared to the unit we were replacing, we wanted a unit with a somewhat higher flow rate but a moderate pressure so as not to damage the product we were cleaning. We needed hot water (but not steam) in a relatively compact size. The custom unit your staff configured and plant manufactured has the exact functional performance we were looking for. I don't think I had ever seen an employee smile when running the old pressure washer, but that is what I observed when we first fired the new unit up, and that said it all! Thanks to Tom Campbell for recommending the unit we purchased with 4 GPM flow and 2,000 p.s.i. performance. The smaller 2 wheel cart and very useful hose reel makes using the unit more manageable. We are very pleased with the entire unit and the help we received from your professional staff.Jim Hoffman
Plastic Recycling of Iowa Falls, Inc.
Professional Endorsement from Popular Mechanics
The Cam Spray model 1500A is a good choice for those who need a professional washer with moderate power in a small, quiet package. This is a no frills unit, yet checks in at more than twice the weight of the competitors models. It features a heavy duty crankshaft-type pump, in contrast to the more typical wobble plate design of most competitors. There is even an oil changing schedule to increase life of the pump. The machine has a clear kick when the trigger is pulled delivering 2 gallons per minute makes a difference! The three commercial units are meant for more demanding use, and with this the durability comes at a higher price. Of these the Cam Spray seems the most rugged and capable…“Under Pressure,” Popular Mechanics, July 2003, p. 88
Success with Custom Trailer Jetters
Dear Cam Spray:I just wanted to take this opportunity to say “Job Well Done!”
Our custom designed trailer jetter continues to be an important asset to our company. Great design and serviceability! The model STB2712H trailer Jetter with the Max Pack Reel Kit has been a real money maker. The flexibility of the optional 3/8” hose on the swivel base and powered reel allows us to get to the drain line, clear the clog and retrieve the hose with ease. Our “on-site” times are shorter allowing us to service more clients per day.
We now have several hundred hours on our two STB2712H Trailer Jets and our only maintenance is oil changes and cleaning.
John D. Maxwell
President, Environmental Drain and Plumbing, Johnson City, Tennessee
(Mr. Maxwell is now retired, but in all owned 7 of our machines, 6 STB2712H models and one STB3015V)
Outstanding Customer Service
I am writing to say that I spoke to Carey in Service about a problem I was having with my 1500AXS. I would like to commend him on his great customer service and I hope he is recognized by management. Not only did he talk me through the possible problems, but he offered solutions as well. I fixed the problem in 5 minutes with his help. Being in the hospitality business at a 4 star resort, customer service is my job. Most people only complain, so when I get great service I try to recognize those whom provided it. We are so satisfied with this pressure washer, and now with your customer service, I am trying to convince other departments to purchase at least one more!Thanks Carey!
Matt Meyers
Director of Recreation, LaPlaya Beach and Golf Resort
Naples, Florida
Dedication to Customer Satisfaction
Thank you for your response, another example of your company’s dedication to customer satisfaction. In these times I feel Americans owe it to each other to reinforce the values that made this country great! I will be posting reviews of the 1500AXS and the service I have received from Cam Spray online.We love to work with vendors who exemplify the same dedication to great service and products that we strive for as well. Maybe you all could use a nice day on one of the most beautiful beaches in the country!
Again, thank you all for everything!
Matt Meyers
LaPlaya Beach and Golf Resort
Naples, Florida
Effective Performance of Trailer Jetters
I am writing concerning the Cam Spray STB2511H Trailer Jet that we purchased in August of 2004. This unit has been used on lines from 4” to 12” and has proven to clean the lines very well. The STB2511H has cut back on man-hours for cleaning problem lines as well as plugged line call-outs.We have a TV inspection camera and after jetting the lines the camera inspection shows the STB2511H Trailer Jet has removed up to 3” of silt from the storm lines as well as cutting grease out of the sanitary lines.
The STB2511H is very economical and I would recommend it to anyone interested in a trailer jetter.
Richard A. Harper
City of Petersburg, West Virginia
Appreciating Helpful Documentation
Thank-you for e-mailing the operator's manual for the 1000 pressure washer. The information contained in those pages will be very useful to me in getting my washer operating and the soap dispenser working the way it was designed to work.Thanks again,
Tom Hohman
Southeast Community College

Our American made pressure washers and drain jetters are built the old-fashioned way: one at a time and tested by hand